Thursday, December 19, 2013

Mother outraged after her two-year-old son was given a scorpion lollipop

A St. Louis mother is outraged after she discovered a scorpion in her 2-year-old son's lollipop.

The lollipop was part of a stocking full of candy at a kids holiday party sponsored by the St. Louis Rams at the Edward Jones Dome on Sunday. She was alarmed when she discovered he was eating a lollipop that had a real scorpion inside.

She took photos of the scorpion and contacted poison control. Scorpion suckers are sold across the country. The tail is typically removed, and one manufacturer says the arachnids inside are "processed and safe to eat."

YouTube link.

"It shouldn't be given to children, period. I can understand it being given as a gag gift or something like that, but you're not giving these kids gag gifts at all," mother Richelle West said. A spokesperson for the Missouri Bar Association which co-sponsored the event said lollipops with scorpions inside are commercially available and safe. They will be delivering replacement candies and toys to the child.


Anonymous said...

Way to freak your kid out and put them off being adventurous for the rest of their life.
Sounds like the kid wasn't too bothered.

Anonymous said...

Outraged? Really? If my kid got one, we'd be fighting over it.

Anonymous said...

I bought one of those for myself when I was really little. (And I'm a girl too.) What an annoying mom.

Annemarie said...

I had one of these,couldnt bring myself to eat it though and had it on display until it sort of dissolved and looked a bit terrifying