Now Sherratt, of Tunstall, has been handed a 12-month community order after admitting causing harassment, alarm and distress. A charge of outraging public decency had earlier been dropped by prosecutors. The incident happened at around 10.10pm on November 16. Prosecutor Steve Knowles told North Staffordshire Justice Centre: "A witness at the White Hart saw Mr Sherratt enter the bar. He wasn't wearing any clothing on the lower half of his body. She was shocked by his appearance. He turned to face the customers and said, 'If anyone has a problem with me they can take it outside'.

"He then left the pub and a short time later the witness also left. Again, she saw Mr Sherratt in a state of nakedness and decided to call the police due to the fact he was walking towards a group of children. Police arrived and he was detained. There was also a bag containing clothing and items of a sexual nature which was handed to police." Officers discovered Sherratt was carrying amphetamine. He told police he 'may have taken too much' of the drug. Sherratt also admitted possessing a Class B drug . The court heard Sherratt had turned to amphetamines after suffering personal problems.
Hayley Keegan, defending, said: "The use of alcohol has previously been one of the issues around his offending. "That has progressed to the use of amphetamine. He used it originally to help him get through the working day and then to try to deal with emotional turmoil he was suffering with regard to his partner and children. This offence has given him the opportunity to seek help to resolve his issues because he is shocked and concerned that he would have committed this type of offence, and his recollection of it is so vague and limited." Magistrates also ordered Sherratt to pay £85 costs.
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