The Toyota 4Runner went through the wire guides and flipped end over end. One of the wires wrapped around one of the wheels and held the 5,000-pound SUV in mid-air along the side of the garage. “Car, metal and glass started falling down from the sky and I heard the guy in the car screaming for his life,” said Carl Schmidt. Schmidt was making his way through the alley when he saw the scene above him.
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YouTube link.
Seconds before, Zachary Cayson and his two friends had just parked in the garage after a 13-hour road trip from Alabama. “I sprinted up the stairwell and I was the first one to get there,” said Cayson who started talking to the driver, who was still buckled in, trying to calm him down. “I introduced myself and we had a quick little chat about what we should do, whether we should stay there and wait for the police and the fire department or we should try to get him out of there.”

They decided in the heat of the moment, getting the driver out was the best thing to do. “We unbuckled the seat belt, and I took one arm and then he kind of swung his legs over to the side and there was a tiny little ledge there right on the other side of the barrier,” said Cayson. “He managed to plant his feet on that and I picked him up.” Emergency crews were able to lower the SUV down to the ground shortly after 5pm.
5000 pounds, that's about $10k right ?
Also, didn't toyota have this problem before, cars not doing what they are told, I mean.
Firstly even at a "low rate of speed" (whatever that is) you wouldn't expect a supposed safety fence to give way. Secondly why do people always believe drivers who say "the car wouldn't stop"? Driver error is much, much, much more common than mechanical failure, but it seems that about 99 percent of drivers expect us to believe that that the brakes suddenly failed, or the transmission selected reverse of its own accord rather than the much more likely scenario of the driver hitting the wrong pedal or selecting the wrong gear.
It's $6,700, WilliamRocket.
Sorry, I forgot you were Australian. It would cost you $8798.
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