Friday, October 12, 2007

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A man undergoing G-force training

Stacy Hedger plays the theme from Star Wars on a trumpet

To be fair, she's not that good.

Richard Branson flies by the seat of his pants, literally

Richard Branson

Richard Branson

I shouldn't laugh.

Boy, 3, obeys law during toy car joyride

The candy-apple red Mustang GT is just a toy, but that didn't stop 3-year-old Jordan Will from taking his battery-operated wheels for a brief ride along a busy stretch of highway. Drivers stopped and neighbours chased down the car until an officer could pull over Jordan and his 2-year-old passenger on Sunday.

"Nothing bad happened, so it's kind of cute now when you look at it," said his father, Doug Will. "But at the time, it wasn't cute at all. It was scary. I was really upset."

The boys drove the tricked-out ride through their Omro neighborhood and pulled up to a busy intersection. "He even obeyed the signs, so that was good. He stopped at the red light and got on the cross walk," said neighbour Jaci Bauer.

Doug Will had been searching for the boys when he got the call to come get the car. "He just said, 'We went for a ride, daddy,'" he said.

All Jordan can do now is sit in the little car. His father has taken away the keys and removed the battery.

Boy driver, 6, promises he won't do it again - Update

A 6-year-old boy who tried to drive his grandmother's car to Applebee's said he won't do it again.

Josh Barber said he was hungry for some chicken nuggets when he woke up early on Tuesday while his grandmother was still sleeping. His mother was recovering from surgery at the time and his father was still at work.

Josh Barber

"Because I'm just a boy," said Josh, "I don't know how to drive a car." "I hit the gas, I crashed into these things and then what happened is I didn't know what to do."

"The policeman told me not to drive again," he said.

With news video.

Child shows up at school in handcuffs

Police usually have to put handcuffs on, but in Tamworth, New Hampshire on Wednesday, they had to cut a pair off of a nine-year-old.

Police Chief Dan Poirer says he was called after the boy got off the morning bus at the Brett School wearing a pair of handcuffs.

Poirer says his key wouldn't fit, so he resorted to bolt cutters.

He said the boy apparently was playing with the cuffs at home when they locked up. He said the boy's mother reportedly put him on the bus with the cuffs still on reasoning that someone at the school would be able to help.

Judge tells man "Moustache must go"

An Edwardian-style dandy who assaulted a teenager when teased over his elaborate handlebar moustache has avoided community service by agreeing to shave it off.

Charles Law, 48, of Stratfield Road, Borehamwood, speaking after his appearance at St Albans Crown Court today, said: "I've had it since I was 22. It was up to 16 inches once, but I shaved it down a bit. "It's a shame, but it has to go."

The court heard Law, who pleaded guilty to common assault, had been in trouble before with moustache-related incidents, with convictions for affray and threats.

Defence barrister Julia Flanagan insisted the moustache had not been to blame for his conviction for manslaughter in 2000, for which he was given a four-year prison sentence.

She said her client accepted he had a tendency to over-react to teasing, and had promised to shave his spectacular growth to avoid trouble.

Motorcyclist rear-ends car then gets run over by it

A motorcycle rider is in bad shape, after police said he was thrown 300 feet and then run over during an accident on the Northeast Side.

Investigators said a woman was driving on I-35 near the Randolph Boulevard exit, when a man driving a motorcycle slammed into the back of her car.

The woman ran over the man after he was thrown from his cycle.

Investigators believe the motorcyclist was going at least 120 miles an hour. He was taken to the hospital and in critical condition.

With news video.

Revealed: The Potato of the North

Keen gardener Gerald Smith was shocked this week when he discovered a potato with a striking resemblance to the Angel of the North. Mr Smith, 74, from Clovelly Road, Hylton Castle, has been an avid gardener for many years. Since retiring as a plumber, he now grows vegetables at Summerbell Allotments.

"When I dug it up I thought it was a bit unusual. And then I thought, it looks like the Angel of the North, so I decided to call it the Potato of the North." Mr Smith said.

The Angel of the NorthThe Potato of the North

Luckily the green-fingered pensioner's wife is away on holiday in Las Vegas, as Mr Smith explains: "If I hadn't kept the potato out of the way, the wife would have cut it up and cooked it by now."

A proud Mr Smith has pledged to preserve his unusual find, at least until his wife returns from Las Vegas...

I think it's an uncanny resemblance.

The artist who can lend an ear

Many cultures talk with their hands, but the Australian performer Stelios Arcadiou claims he could soon be listening with his arm.

Arcadiou, a philosopher and performance artist known as Stelarc, said a surgeon had implanted a cell-cultivated ear in his arm.

Stelios Arcadiou

The 61-year-old, who was born in Cyprus, claimed the ear was grown in a laboratory from cells. He said it took him 10 years to find a surgeon willing to graft the ear on to his left forearm.

When the surgery is complete and his body has produced the necessary tissue, Arcadiou hopes to have a microphone implanted that will connect with a bluetooth transmitter. "That way you can listen to what my ear is hearing", he said.

More here.

Gardener who sneaked into woman's home and tried on her underwear is jailed

A gardener caught wearing his best friend's ex-wife's underwear was jailed for 67 days yesterday.

Scott West, 32, who admitted breach of the peace and disorderly conduct, was also put on the sex offenders' register.

A court was told West had romantic feelings for mum-of-two Elizabeth Johnston and had gone to her home to speak to her after a drinking session.

But when he found the house empty, he let himself in and dressed up in a skimpy pink vest and thong from her laundry.

A neighbour found burly West wearing the top just seconds after he had removed the thong.

Mark Harrower, defending, told Peebles Sheriff Court his client was full of remorse. He said: "He was infatuated by her but had previously kept his feelings to himself. He says what he did was madness and he's very embarrassed."

The very Old Bill

Perched on their wooden stools in high-visibility jackets, these pensioners are the latest recruits in the war against speeding motorists.

On the right is 80-year-old Marian Coates wielding a speed camera, on the left her husband Bob, 84, clutching a clipboard. Standing with them is a police community support officer.

80-year-old Marian Coates, right, wields a speed camera, while husband Bob, left, clutches his clipboard

The elderly volunteers have been brought in as part of a community team aimed at cracking down on drivers who flout the law. The man behind the scheme is a long-time fan of speed cameras, the Chief Constable of North Wales Richard Brunstrom, nicknamed the Mad Mullah of the Traffic Taliban.

Mr and Mrs Coates were spotted pointing speed cameras at passing cars in Colwyn Bay. If a vehicle is found to be over the limit a note of the registration is taken and the details of the car are then passed to the police and an advisory letter is sent to the owner of the car. No fine or penalty points are issued.

Drug dealer wore Scooby Doo costume

A man who dressed as Scooby Doo and sold ecstasy at the T in the Park music festival has been spared jail.

Perth Sheriff Court heard how Ryan Wiseman's distinctive appearance, which also included a pink Mohican, made him an ideal target for police.

He was stopped twice by officers on consecutive days at the music festival and on both occasions police found drugs.

The court heard that Wiseman had attracted attention by dressing up in the full-length cartoon character's costume. As well as walking around dressed as the crime-cracking Great Dane, he also had a bright pink Mohican and a rose tattoo on his neck.

The plumbing firm boss admitted selling the Class A drug at the music festival near Balado, Kinross, in July.

The 27-year-old, of Harestane Road, in Dundee, has been ordered to carry out 120 hours of community service.

Reward offered over missing rabbit allergic to carrots

A cash reward is being offered for the return of a stolen pet rabbit that is allergic to lettuce and carrots.

Schoolgirl Kerry Anderton, 10, fears Gizmo will become seriously ill if thieves feed it traditional bunny grub.

Gizmo vanished from its hutch in the garden of her family home in Rickleton, Washington, near Sunderland, on Sunday.

The brown and white rabbit's former owners warned the autistic youngster it would become sick if it was not kept on a special diet.

The family has offered a £50 reward for the rabbit's safe return.

Chicken lorry crash causes chaos

Major roads in central Scotland were brought to a standstill after a lorry containing 1,800 chickens crashed on the A80, leaving birds running loose.

The lorry jack-knifed on the southbound carriageway, near Haggs, at 0430 BST, leaving the 45-year-old driver with serious back injuries.

It took police and specialist chicken handlers from Noble Foods nearly nine hours to clear the scene as hundreds of the birds ran free in the accident area.

With two news videos. Scroll down for the second.

British pensioners persecute neighbours with French radio

A 75-year-old man and his 82-year-old sister were branded 'Asbo yobs' today for playing French music too loudly.

Thomas and Mary Smith, from Wirral, Merseyside, had been subject to an anti-social behaviour injunction for terrorising their neighbours with the sounds of French radio.

Over the last five years the siblings also threw eggs and glass at their neighbours' property and constantly banged on the walls with a hammer.

At Liverpool County Court they were found in breach of the injunction, imposed last February, and as a result in contempt of court.

The pair did not attend the hearing at which Mr Smith was sentenced to 14-days imprisonment, suspended for 12-months.