Sunday, April 18, 2010

Angry pheasant 'stalking' bird expert

A pensioner says he is "under siege" from an angry pheasant which attacks him outside and even inside his home. Retired ornithologist John Tucker, 72, is forced to wear gloves and carry a walking stick to protect himself from the unruly bird – which he has named "Yobbo".

Every time he leaves his house the pheasant waddles into his garden from a nearby field and pecks him with his beak. The bird flaps his wings and attacks John's legs, arms and head – often chasing him round the garden as he tries to escape.

The bird has even learned to spot when the front door is open – and runs into the house to attack John and his wife. He is now forced to leave his house by climbing out of a back window so he can avoid a daily pecking from his feathered foe.

John, of Branscombe, East Devon, said: "Every time I get in my car he comes after me down the road and I have to accelerate to get away. My wife can't sit in the garden without him pestering her. It was quite funny to start with, but now its extremely irritating. A spokesman for the National Gamekeepers Organisation said the animal is probably defending its territory in a nearby field.


arbroath said...

I bet a sling shot with some small rocks would help the situation.

arbroath said...

Roast phesant is really quite delicious.

arbroath said...

I wonder what this guy did to teh bird to piss it off in the first place? Did he run over some of its young with a lawn mower?

arbroath said...

Last year, every morning when I went to go feed my donkeys, a female pheasant would fly out of the shed and scare the cr@p out of me. It was every morning but I never copped on as I was always half asleep.
That is until the I found a pile of pheasant feathers outside the shed door.

I guess I have foxes too.