A deputy determined Kevin Brann, 41, had rear-ended another vehicle. Officials also determined Brann smelled strongly of alcohol. Brann's speech was slurred and mumbled, his eyes bloodshot and glassy. A deputy gave Brann, who'd urinated in his pants, field sobriety exercises before arresting him on a DUI with property damage charge. Brann "soiled himself" en route to the jail.
"The defendant had a sexual anus plug in his rectum, which he removed, or it fell out in the rear of my patrol car," the affidavit states. The length, girth and colour of the "sexual anus plug in his rectum" was not listed. Also not specified was the make and model of the plug and an explanation of how it ended up in his bottom.

At the jail, investigators measured Brann's blood alcohol content at 0.409 and 0.412 - more than five times the legal limit of 0.08. Brann, of the 6800 block of Southeast Bunker Hill Drive in Hobe Sound, was arrested on a DUI with property damage charge.
"...an explanation of how it ended up in his bottom."
Who would be mystified by that?
Heh heh! You come up with the best headlines!
So he "rear ended" the other car, eh...
Every time I see this guy's mugshot I just keep thinking "41? Really?" Poor drunk bastard must have had a rough life.
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