Featuring a wooden frame design and leopard print seat covers, engineer Sebastian Trager built the model using the chassis of a Volkswagen Polo. There's no need for Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble's pedal power however, with the modern adaptation of the Flintmobile boasting a 1.3 litre engine hidden under the front roller.
Trager's bid to make his vehicle legally roadworthy hit the skids after German police ruled that the vehicle was too unsafe to be driven on public roads. 'We copied every last detail. I work in car construction and love working with cars so it is perfectly safe,' explained Trager.

'But when we got the registration form section about the number of lights, windscreen washers and wipers, well, we don't even have a windscreen so we gave up. Instead we trailer it to shows and exhibitions for people to see and everyone seems to love it.'
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