Monday, February 11, 2013

Rabbit smuggled itself into school after jumping into girl's bag

Ceri Braithwaite had the shock of her life when she arrived at school to find her pet rabbit had hitched a ride in her school bag. Nala the Lionhead rabbit, so called because of the breed's distinctive mane, smuggled herself into Ibstock Community College, Leicestershire, unnoticed.

Ceri, 11, had walked from home in Normanton-le-Heath to catch the school bus and travelled the few miles to Ibstock oblivious of the furry fugitive. It was not until school registration that Nala made her presence known. "I had put my bag down in the garden, where the rabbits were running freely about and Nala must have jumped in," said Ceri.

"I did think my bag was a bit heavy when I stood at the bus stop but I thought it must be because I had a project and some extra homework in there. I couldn't believe it when I reached in for my pencil case and she jumped out. One girl screamed but most people just laughed – I was so embarrassed.

"Nala was shaking a bit at first but soon calmed down and I think she enjoyed everyone petting her." Nala was escorted to the medical room to munch on some lettuce canteen staff found while Ceri's mum, Janet Sladen, was contacted to collect her. College vice-principal Stuart Kay said: "It's the first time we've had a rabbit come to school."

1 comment:

TimO said...

We had a pet bunny and every time we got a suitcase out for a trip, he'd jump in and plant himself down in it. They know what going on...