Saturday, August 12, 2006

Supermarket thefts led to millionaire lifestyle

A shoplifter financed a millionaire lifestyle with a mammoth stealing spree of everyday items from supermarkets.

Raymond Crockford, 62, a retired scaffolder, owned a seaside house with landscaped gardens and electronic gates, two Mercedes, a BMW, a 50in plasma screen television and 80 suits. Dorset Police believe that they were the fruits of several decades spent stealing cheap consumer goods.

When officers raided Crockford’s home in Weymouth they discovered boxes and binbags stuffed with stolen domestic items in his garage. Shoplifted goods were also stacked in piles in the house, along with £4,400 in cash from selling stolen items. Speaking after Crockford was found guilty at Dorchester Crown Court of converting criminal property, Detective Constable Ian Carlton, of Dorset Police’s economic crime unit, said: “His outgoings just did not match his incomings as a scaffolder. Scaffolders do well but not as well as he has done.”

Crockford admitted to a shoplifting problem and said that he was receiving therapy for it.

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