Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Health and Safety demand 48 hours notice to move a chair

In most offices, when a chair is in the wrong position then immediate action is taken. Somebody moves it.

But not at the Health and Safety Executive.

There, employees have been banned from shifting furniture on the remote chance that they might do themselves a mischief.

They are told to book a porter to complete the task - and allow two days for it to happen.

The new rule could prove particularly problematic for staff planning a last-minute meeting.

If a porter cannot be summoned urgently staff would be left with the awkward choice of disobeying a direct order from the management or asking some of their guests to stand.

To hammer home the point, signs which read: ‘Do not lift tables or chairs without giving 48 hours notice to HSE management’, have been plastered across the walls in several meeting rooms.

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