Saturday, October 15, 2011

Priest starts wedding without bride when she is late for service

A wedding ceremony in Italy went on for 20 minutes without a bride after a priest ignored the fact that she was late.

Friar Maurizio De Sanctis insisted on starting the Mass on time and when bride Vale Solito eventually arrived for the ceremony at the church in the northern town of Viterbo she found it had started without her and the groom was standing alone in front of the priest.

The friar defended his decision saying he was fed up with being kept waiting for couples and added that at the end the pair were married so no harm had been done.

He said: "You could say that she really had a wedding to remember."


Insolitus said...

The level of his douchiness depends on whether he had warned the couple beforehand what would happen if they were late.

Insolitus said...

A wedding where the bride breaks her ankle, the groom throws up on the wedding cake and the father of the bride has a heart attack would also be a wedding to remember. That doesn't mean it's a good thing.

andiscandis said...

My friend was recently in a wedding where the minister locked the whole wedding party out of the church for being late. She said they were only 3 minutes late. Don't know how true the 3 minutes part is, but it's pretty crappy either way. Isn't it tradition that the wedding starts later than what's on the invitation?

Zhoen said...

That's brilliant. If you can't be at least on time to your own wedding, you don't need to be married. I can't imagine not being early for something so important. Good for the priest.

The Rat King said...

Zhoen has no grasp of human nature of just how nervous and frightened a bride can be on their wedding day...

WilliamRocket said...

Not very deep I know, but she looks like yum yum to me.

Anonymous said...

Seems like someone so nervous and frightened would make sure to get there early, eh?