Another lousy export from my country! The county fairs, especially in the South, started deep frying everything. As with guns, please don't blame us all.
You invent television, pneumatic tyres, the telephone, tarmacadam that the World's traffic runs on, export the philosophies necessary for modrn democratic society, discover disinfectant, penecillin gene sequencing and clone the first organism Dolly the Sheep, etc. etc. and what credit do you get? Then you deep-fry one bl**dy Christmas pudding! ;-)
Another lousy export from my country! The county fairs, especially in the South, started deep frying everything. As with guns, please don't blame us all.
You invent television, pneumatic tyres, the telephone, tarmacadam that the World's traffic runs on, export the philosophies necessary for modrn democratic society, discover disinfectant, penecillin gene sequencing and clone the first organism Dolly the Sheep, etc. etc. and what credit do you get?
Then you deep-fry one bl**dy Christmas pudding! ;-)
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