Thinking he had lost his mind, he went on an impromptu fishing trip to clear his head. When he got to the canal, the purring started again. Taking matters into his own hands, he reached for his toolbox, took out some sheet metal cutters and cut back the metal on the side of the truck . As he peeled it back, he spotted a kitten. "I seen this little rascal peeking at me," Frazier recalled. "I said, 'What in the world? You hitched a ride!'" Frazier hadn't thought anything of slicing into his truck. He and his wife, Cindy, have a dog and two cats, and care deeply about animals. In the past, Frazier said, he has rescued stray kittens and taken them to the local Humane Society.
The shelter, which estimates the kitten was about 8 weeks old, named her Megan. A week after the rescue, the shelter invited Frazier for a reunion. The kitten purred in his arms. He took it as a sign. "It was almost telling me, 'Thank you for saving my life,'" he said. The cat has since been adopted by a family with two teenage girls. The Humane Society have now set up a special "kitty truck fund" to help Frazier. They don't yet have an estimate for the repairs and any extra money would go into a special emergency fund in Frazier's name to help other animals in similar situations.

Frazier's wife, Cindy, said they were touched by the support. The truck is their only vehicle. She said it didn't cross their mind to look into repairing it because she knew they couldn't afford it. Both have disabilities; Errand Frazier has macular degeneration, but still has the ability to drive during the day. The couple said they weren't worried about the truck and hoped people would just donate to the humane society to help other animals. "We really never expected all of this, to be honest, but God does blessings every day," Cindy Frazier said. "That's the reason that little kitten just showed up here - because God knew we would do whatever we needed to do to make sure that kitten was safe."
There's a short video here.
If the kitty could get out to eat the food it wasn't trapped - couldn't the guy come up with a better solution than cutting up his truck?
Well done, sir!
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